
Digital Strategy Associates LLC
When I first purchased my iPad Pro, I debated the merits of spending another $99 for the Apple Pencil. Ultimately the Apple fan within me won out and I sprung for the pencil. I quickly discovered the Apple Pencil to not only be a fun addition to the iPad, but when paired with the GoodNotes...
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Just like an action packed movie, the world of cyber security is filled with a cast of characters who battle one another in a fight of good versus evil. In this article, we breakdown the most common actors in the constant battle for cyber security: The Cyber Threats A) The Prankster: In it for the...
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Over the past few weeks, client’s have been asking why their inboxes have been inundated with emails from websites, some of which I haven’t visited in years, informing them of changes in their privacy policy. Why the sudden concern for privacy? Effective May 2018, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulations (GPDR) came into full...
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Steel fabrication firm R.S. Phillips understands that behind every great structure, is a strong foundation.  The same can be said with websites.  When Digital Strategy Associates was hired to transition the firms existing HTML website,, into WordPress, we developed a site which not only looks greats, but is also powered by an industry leading Content...
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With a 30% increase in enrollment over the past 5 years, the Fairview Public Schools are among New Jersey’s fastest growing districts. Supporting the technology needs of 1,500 K-8 students and 200 staff, the district’s administration has established a fast paced strategy to increase digital learning initiatives through 1:1 with Chromebooks as well as to...
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Just as Xerox has become synonymous with the copier, SMART has risen to become the default word for interactive whiteboards. The majority of the schools we serve use interactive boards manufactured by SMART Technologies as well as their accompanying software suite, SMART Notebook.  However, one of our K-12 clients grew frustrated with the annual licensing...
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A few month’s ago I encountered a strange issue: a seemingly healthy MacBook Air refused to work when hooked up to a projector. After performing the usual troubleshooting steps, I decided to turn to the universal IT manual: Google. Within a few minutes I had my answer from an article posted on a website which...
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The Pollution Control Financing Authority of Warren County is a small agency with a critical mission: to coordinate waste disposal and recycling for an entire county.  With stakeholders encompassing residential, commercial, and government clients, the authority sought to redesign their website,, to provide targeted information to each segment as well as to enhance the...
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We recently published an article on how schools can migrate almost entirely to the cloud, many of our readers pointed out that several of the applications we showcased were available for free, through open source licensing, which got as thinking…. lets write on article on a hypothetical school which is entirely open source! After hours...
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With Apple announcing the next version of their operating system for laptops and desktops, macOS Mojave, one question remains, what is the fate of macOS server? For the past few years Apple has quietly been selling their own server software on the Mac App Store. However, just like the MacBook Air and the Time Capsule,...
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